Ronja, who currently tops the FEI's world ranking list for children and is Swedish champion both on pony and horse, talks about her competition partner Nisse (Nice One).
Nisse came to Ronja about a year ago. He was then very tense and could not be ridden alone, always needed the company of another horse while training.

The plan was for Ronja to ride and compete him few times and then he was supposed to be sold. The first competition together they won and even though he was tense, which led to some mistakes, Ronja felt that there was something special about him.
The first big competition when Ronja chose to ride Nisse instead of her more stable championship pony Vega was team SM last fall. Since then, Nisse has gone from strength to strength. In the spring they won the SM together and most recently at Falsterbo. The plans to sell have been postponed until after next year's competition season.

What was it that Ronja felt was so special about Nisse? She tells us that his gaits are fantastic and that she feels he has a lot left to give if only he gets more routine and becomes less tense. The misses become fewer and less extensive, and from not being able to ride him alone without another horse as company to being able to enter this big arenas in less than a year! We think this is an amazing story!
We look forward to following them in team SM this fall!